Backlinks List

The Backlinks List will help you to find and analyze external links to your website.

Click Retrieve Backlinks to start the query of links for the project URL.

Note: By clicking on the lower half of the Retrieve Backlinks button you can configure if the found links should be analyzed automatically. By default this option is activated.

Note: By clicking on the lower half of the Retrieve Backlinks button you can set the number number of found/analyzed links. If there are duplicates among the found links, you may receive slightly less links than set.

You can also add backlinks manually by clicking Add URL or Import (.txt or .csv files). If you select a backlink in the list, you can delete it.

Use the Analyze All button to analyze the whole list or the Analyze Selected button to analyze only a part.

The results table offers the following values:

  • URL: The URL of the website which contains a link to the URL you entered

  • Status:  The HTML status of the URL, normally a 200 - OK

  • Target: The exact site of your domain to which the website links

  • Anchor text: The text with which the website links to your URL

  • Outbound Links: The number of outgoing links on the website in total

  • Attribute: Special characteristics of the website as for example nofollow links

  • IP address: The website's IP address to see if any of your backlinks come from the same IP.

  • PageRank: The Google PageRank of the website

  • Server location: The place where the server of the website is located

  • Domain: The domain to which the website belongs

  • Added on: The date when this backlink was first found or added

  • Page Authority: The Page Authority predicts how well a web page will rank in a domain. The higher the Page Authority, the greater the potential to rank well

  • Page MozRank: The mozRank represents the importance of a domain and has a value between 0 and 10 attributed by to a web page. The higher the value of the mozRank, the more important the document on a domain becomes.

  • Domain Authority: The Domain Authority predicts how well a web page will rank on a domain. The higher the Domain Authority, the greater the potential for an individual page on that domain to rank well

  • Domain mozRank: The Domain mozRank represents the importance of a domain and has a value between 0 and 10 attributed by to a web page. The higher the value of the mozRank, the more important the domain becomes.

You can have a closer look at one link by double-clicking it or by selecting it and clicking the Properties button in the toolbar. In addition, you can open the website in your browser from here.

Via Find Backlink you can search for a particular backlink in the list.

In the Report tab you can create a report of all the backlinks which are currently in the list - for your records or for your customer. Alternatively, you can export the link list into different formats like CSV or TXT.