The Ranking Status module of the Ranking section displays the results of the Search Engines Query.
In the Table View you are shown a summary of the results. The URL column indicates the number of subpages in the top results. Click the + icon to have a closer look at those subpages and their ranking.
On the right side you will see the Queries History which presents the results of previous queries. It can be displayed or hidden by clicking on Queries History in the tool bar.
Below are the Query Details. Select a keyword and the corresponding search engine in the list of the main window to have a look at the development of the results. Thus you can check what effects the changes you made to your website have had.
The Positions Chart displays the results over time graphically.
The ranking query results. can be exported by clicking on Export and selecting the desired format (PDF, CSV, MS Word, MS Excel).
You can then switch to the Report tab to save or print the results. You can customize your report by selecting a template which you have previously created in the Templates section.